Investment Thesis

Investing in Diverse Teams for Better Returns


At Mountain Crest Investment Partners, we're proud to unveil our investment thesis, which centers on the fundamental belief that diverse teams, with an emphasis on veteran inclusion, drive innovation and deliver superior returns. Unlike DEI, ESG, or Impact Funds, we are passionate about investing in teams with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to drive better returns for all our stakeholders including our limited partners, portfolio, and investment team.


Our conviction stems from the profound belief that age, gender, and racial diversity are catalysts for innovation and resilience within startups. We've seen firsthand how diverse teams possess the agility to pivot faster, navigate obstacles with creativity, and seize opportunities that non-diverse teams may overlook. When we say team, we mean management, key advisors, as well as employees.


We've strategically assembled the Mountain Crest Team to align with our investment thesis. By curating an advisory board, we've augmented our vision, expanded our network, and deepened our expertise to enhance our investment decisions and better support our portfolio companies. Our esteemed advisory board is comprised of seasoned entrepreneurs and investors who boast extensive experience in scaling companies across diverse sectors.


Here's why we are passionate and committed to investing in diverse teams:

1.       Agility and Adaptability: Diverse teams bring a breadth of perspectives to the table, enabling them to adapt to changing market dynamics and customer needs. By embracing different viewpoints, these teams are better equipped to identify emerging trends, anticipate shifts in consumer behavior, and pivot their strategies accordingly.

2.       Problem-Solving and Creativity: In today's fast-paced business environment, agility and creativity are paramount. Diverse teams excel at problem-solving, drawing upon a rich tapestry of experiences and cultural backgrounds to generate innovative solutions. By fostering an inclusive culture that values diverse perspectives, startups can unlock new avenues for growth and differentiation.

3.       Resilience and Risk Mitigation: Startups face a myriad of challenges on their journey to success, from market volatility to regulatory hurdles. Diverse teams are inherently more resilient, capable of weathering storms and bouncing back from setbacks with resilience and determination. By diversifying their talent pool, startups can mitigate risks and enhance their ability to navigate turbulent waters. 

Our goal is simple: to empower visionary entrepreneurs from all walks of life to realize their dreams and build transformative companies that shape the future. Join us as we embark on this journey of discovery and empowerment. Together, let's harness the power of diversity to drive meaningful change and create lasting value for limited partners, entrepreneurs, and our investment team. Stay tuned for more insights and updates as we continue to advance our investment thesis and support the next generation of founders.

Mountain Crest Investment Partners


Investment Focus